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SMB Finance Editorial

Invoice2go publishes educational content on all things finance and small business. Below are samples of editorial content designs I created to promote Invoice2go's blog, resources, and product updates on social media. Images are linked to respective blog articles — just click any image to learn more!

Social Media Manager: Amy Fan

Creative Director: Andy Barker

Brand Identity Designer: Trish Zielke

Motion Mentor: Zach Ferdman 

Content Manager: Daniel Ward

Content Writer: Melissa Pandika

Project Manager: Ruth Lovejoy


Dasha Kennedy — An editorial design sample exploring how to adapt our designs to a variety of social specs. I often began with designing a blog header, and had to find a solution to design the social media content vertically, horizontally, and as a square! | Click to learn more <3

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Invoice2go Quarterly Product Launch Videos — Instagram Reels to announce new product features for Projects, Zapier, and Payments. We featured videos of our product designers to announce new product features each quarter. I was responsible for video editing, motion design, closed captions, and audio editing for this content.

The Best Way to Accept Credit Cards for SMB's | Click any image to read more

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Manage Business Finances Better — Carousel design sample | Click any image to read more :)

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Black Business Month — Cultural content for our blog and socials; featuring copy by Melissa Pandika | Click to read more :)

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Black Business Month.gif

Invoice2go Artist Series: Q&A with Theo Morrow — Inviting artists to create a custom illustration for Invoice2go's Blog | Click to read more

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10 Tips for Building a Great Small Business Website — Editorial content for Instagram stories | Click to read more


Quarterly Product Updates (August 2022) — Visuals to promote Invoice2go's new product updates, released quarterly | Click to read more

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Product Update Intro.jpg
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